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School vs Real Life
In this session, Stephen Cook will explore how schools can collaborate with local businesses and ind
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In this session, Stephen Cook will explore how schools can collaborate with local businesses and individuals to create meaningful learning experiences. Using real -life case studies from UK projects across all age groups, while also highlighting key elements of The Gatsby Benchmarks, developed from an international study on best practices in career guidance. Stephen is the Director of SCITTs & Overseas Programmes with over 20 years of experience in education. He has held teaching and leadership roles in the UK and abroad and holds a wealth of knowledge about education around the world. In this session, Stephen Cook will explore how schools can collaborate with local businesses and individuals to create meaningful learning experiences. Using real -life case studies from UK projects across all age groups, while also highlighting key elements of The Gatsby Benchmarks, developed from an international study on best practices in career guidance. All participants will receive a certificate of participation for their professional portfolios.